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TRIO Upward Bound

The availability of high-quality education is most often based on zip code and family income level. Wrong zip code or income level and the number of educational options available take a deep dive. At the Endeleo Institute, we believe one of the many facets of transforming a community is by increasing the number of free services available to the under-served. Providing free, high-quality educational enrichment programs is an investment in the youth of the community. The interest payout looks like lower crime rates, higher per capita income, and increased homeownership.

​Our Upward Bound Program Provides:

  • Academic, College Admissions, and Career Advising

  • Tutoring

  • Financial Literacy Workshops

  • FAFSA Completion Workshops

  • Leadership & Team Building Workshops

  • College Visits and Tours

  • Cultural Activities

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Awarded in September 2017, the Upward Bound Project Grant affords us the opportunity to provide a variety of services and resources to 60 high school students per school year. We specifically target low-income, potentially first-generation college-bound students attending Christian Fenger Academy High School located in the Roseland neighborhood.  Fenger Academy students are greatly impacted by the unaddressed social and economic conditions of our country.  These conditions pose serious problems for low-income, potentially first-generation college students such as higher dropout rates, lower graduation and college-going rates.

College & Career Fair
Daley college recruiter
Larry's Barber College
Chicago State recruiter

College & Career Fair 2022

A look back at...


901 E. 95th Street

Suite G 

Chicago, IL 60628

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Through community engagement, education and work programs, and health initiatives aimed at improving nutrition and physical health, the Endeleo Institute brings progress and development to underserved communities. 


Endeleo Institute is a 501c3 nonprofit organization.

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